This is the Archive of Britain GAA Provincial and County Championships. It is an Ongoing Project and is part of the Eirball- Irish, North American and World Sports Archives
Britain GAA
There are two GAA Provincial Councils outside Ireland: the World Games comprising New York, United States, Canada, Australasia, Europe, Asia and Middle East GAA Councils; and the Britain GAA Provincial Council comprising the GAA Counties of London, Warwickshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire and Scotland. Both have County Championships and Provincial Championships in Gaelic Football, Hurling, Camogie and Ladies Gaelic, although not all as yet have Hurling, Camogie or Ladies Gaelic Football Championships.
All-Britain Championships
Britain GAA Provincial Championships
Picture Credit: [1] Britain GAA (2019) default_img_03-300×187 [Internet] Available from:×187.png [Accessed 23 August 2020]
GAA British Provincial SHC B (Seasons):
1987: Champions: London
Britain GAA Intercounty Football Championship (Seasons):
Britain GAA Provincial Club Championships (Finals):
Britain GAA Hurling Club Championship Finals 1967-Present
Britain GAA Football Club Championship Finals 1967-Present
Britain GAA All-Britain Junior Club FC (Seasons)

CLG na hAlban
CLG na hAlban / Scotland GAA
[1] Scotland GAA Facebook (2019) 18839519_433927490299637_1285785154238438164_o [Internet] Available from: %5BAccessed 23 August 2020]
Scotland GAA Football (Finals)
Scotland GAA Football Men’s Senior Championship Finals 1985-Present

CLG Londain / London GAA

Hertfordshire GAA
Hertfordshire GAA
Picture Credit: [1] Hertfordshire GAA Twitter (2020) Bb59A0Mq_400x400 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 20 August 2020]
Hertfordshire GAA Cahill & Hurley Senior Football Championship (Seasons)
Hertfordshire GAA Football League (Seasons)

CLG Contae Warwick / Warwickshire GAA
CLG Contae Warwick / Warwickshire GAA
Picture Credit: [1] Warwickshire GAA (2020) crest [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 November 2020]
Warwickshire GAA Senior Football Championship (Seasons)
Warwickshire GAA Hurling Championship (Seasons):

Yorkshire GAA
Yorkshire GAA
Picture Credit: [1] Yorkshire GAA Wayback Machine (2010) 4538726225 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 20 August 2020]
Yorkshire GAA Football Division 1 Championship (Seasons)
Yorkshire GAA Football Division 2 Championship (Seasons)
Yorkshire GAA Football Division 1 League (Seasons)
Yorkshire GAA Pennine Football League Division 1 (Seasons)