Leinster GAA Hurling Senior Championship 2022


[3] GAA (2022) Leinster GAA Hurling Senior Championship 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.gaa.ie/hurling/leinster-gaa-hurling-senior-championship/ [Accessed 8 May 2022]

[4] Malachy Logan, Ed. (2022) “Gaelic Games: All-Ireland Championships – 2022 Football Championship” The Irish Times Sports Supplement. Monday. April 18, 2022. pg. 4 – Print Edition. Online Edition available to view at: https://www.irishtimes.com/sport – Full content available on subscription.

Connacht GAA Crest References

[1] Galway GAA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, `February 25, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/GalwayGAAOfficial/photos/a.304582009580320/3843070445731441/ [Accessed 27 January 2022][Actual Crest Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/154645754_3843070455731440_5679092197977740786_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=wmFtrh8kfCcAX9Z0Aue&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT8qcV-MbwVF9kP4-HwyLyXn8v5qvMYdcgnxaQLSgN0zCA&oe=6215FE9C [Accessed 27 January 2022]

Leinster GAA Crest references

[6] Dublin GAA (2014) logo-20140709-1 [Internet] Available from: https://assets.dublingaa.ie/assets/images/design/logo-20140709-1.png [Accessed 14 August 2020]

 [8] Seeklogo (2021) kilkenny-gaa-logo-8C142E60F2-seeklogo.com [Internet] Available from: http://seeklogo.com/images/K/kilkenny-gaa-logo-8C142E60F2-seeklogo.com.gif [Accessed 27 June 2021]

[11] Westmeath GAA (2018) westmeath-logo-400×240 [Internet] Available from: https://westmeathgaa.ie/cd/uploads/2018/06/westmeath-logo-400×240.jpg [Accessed 3 July 2021]

[12] Forza 27 (2012) LAOIS-crest-new [Internet] Available from: http://www.forza27.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/LAOIS-crest-new.jpg [Accessed 3 July 2021]

[13] Wexford GAA Facebook (2020) Profile Picture, January 3, 2020 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/wexgaa/photos/a.170202966361853/2567058146676311/ [Accessed 3 July 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/81375693_2567058156676310_564234079923339264_n.png?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=TFOr_vR6_rYAX8ZNkoh&tn=7uF7rGUPgPXI7zGG&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT8_2Ff7qgvigFJey7f6fBfTyev6wQCC_6MZYwjJeCK50Q&oe=6218BF3D ][Accessed 27 January 2022]

Leinster GAA Hurling Senior Championship 2022

Match Day Round 1
(Round 1)
1-20 (23) - 2-15 (21) - 1-20 (23) - 2-15 (21) - 1-20 (23) - 2-15 (21) - 1-20 (23) - 2-15 (21)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Dublin vs Laois

(Round 1)
1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22) - 1-19 (22)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Wexford vs Galway

(Round 1)
1-19 (22) - 5-23 (38) - 1-19 (22) - 5-23 (38) - 1-19 (22) - 5-23 (38) - 1-19 (22) - 5-23 (38)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Westmeath vs Kilkenny

Match Day Round 2
(Round 2)
3-36 (45) - 1-17 (20) - 3-36 (45) - 1-17 (20) - 3-36 (45) - 1-17 (20) - 3-36 (45) - 1-17 (20)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Galway vs Westmeath

(Round 2)
2-34 (40) - 1-14 (17) - 2-34 (40) - 1-14 (17) - 2-34 (40) - 1-14 (17) - 2-34 (40) - 1-14 (17)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Kilkenny vs Laois

(Round 2)
0-23 (23) - 0-24 (24) - 0-23 (23) - 0-24 (24) - 0-23 (23) - 0-24 (24) - 0-23 (23) - 0-24 (24)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Wexford vs Dublin

Match Day Round 3
(Round 3)
0-12 (12) - 6-21 (39) - 0-12 (12) - 6-21 (39) - 0-12 (12) - 6-21 (39) - 0-12 (12) - 6-21 (39)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Laois vs Wexford

(Round 3)
1-24 (27) - 3-17 (26) - 1-24 (27) - 3-17 (26) - 1-24 (27) - 3-17 (26) - 1-24 (27) - 3-17 (26)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Galway vs Kilkenny

(Round 3)
1-16 (19) - 0-27 (27) - 1-16 (19) - 0-27 (27) - 1-16 (19) - 0-27 (27) - 1-16 (19) - 0-27 (27)
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Westmeath vs Dublin

Match Day Round 4
(Round 4)
5:00 pm
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Laois vs Galway

(Round 4)
6:00 pm
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Dublin vs Kilkenny

(Round 4)
6:30 pm
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Westmeath vs Wexford

Match Day Round 5
(Round 5)
6:00 pm
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Kilkenny vs Wexford

(Round 5)
6:00 pm
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Galway vs Dublin

Match Day Week 5
(Week 5)
6:00 pm
Leinster GAA SHC Senior Hurling Championship

Laois vs Westmeath